Wednesday, March 10, 2010

PLS scores are in

Today Matilda had her 6 month post-implant communication assessment. Her therapist used the PLS (Preschool Language Scale). She is 13 months old and her score for auditory comprehension and expressive communication was .... 13 months! I was honestly surprised because there are SO many things that she isn't doing yet, but she still scored the same as an average 13 month old who has been hearing their whole life. It still doesn't make me feel 100% happy with how therapy is progressing, but I am so proud of my little princess.


  1. That is wonderful! She sounds like she's coming along beautifully and what a cutie pie she is!

  2. What great news! Keep up the hard work you guys!

  3. Naomi,
    try this link:

    it worked for me. let me know if you still have problems.


  4. This is awesome! It makes me very hopeful! I love your blog. Your little angel is sooo cute! My daughter is 5 months old and I cannot wait until she gets implanted. It is amazing that Matilda was implanted so young! I just started my own blog:

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  5. Thanks Emily. I don't get back here to update enough. Matilda is now 19 months, has about 40 words, and is doing really well. We are fortunate that we live in Australia, and 6 months is the standard age for implantation. I wish you well on the journey. It is tough and frustrating, but you will get through it!
